Star Digital Receipt Solution
- Customers can download the free AllReceipts App
- Save a digital copy of receipts on the mobile device of choice
- No need to take images of receipts for storage
- No need to submit email address or mobile number
- Receipts can be filed and retrieved by date or retailer
- Instant customer satisfaction survey aides consumers and retailers
- Retailers get data on every printed and claimed receipt
- Retailers get AllReceipts real time status Device Management Tool
- Description
Introducing: AllReceipts From Star Micronics The Fast, Secure and Reliable Digital Receipt Solution AllReceipts is a FREE, DIGITAL RECEIPT SOLUTION available on all Star Micronics TSP100 thermal receipt printer models.
AllReceipts is a cloud-based digital receipt solution providing customers with the ability to store and manage receipts digitally and anonymously.
No email address required! AllReceipts includes a Device Management Tool and Instant Customer Satisfaction Survey for retailers.
Customers can save a digital copy of the receipt on their mobile device and view receipts by date or retailer. Theres no need to share an e-mail address to receive digital receipts and no need to take a photo of the receipt to store it as a digital receipt. Allreceipts App is available to download from the App Store or Google Play.
Retailers receive AllReceipts Free of Charge with the Star TSP100 receipt printer (V6.0 driver). AllReceipts allows the Retailer to receive valuable customer feedback in the form of an instant customer satisfaction survey.
ntegrators can incorporate the AllReceipts API and include these Reporting Tools: Data on all receipts printed and claimed Device Management Tool providing real time status across the installed base of printers Instant customer satisfaction survey.
- Customers can download the free AllReceipts App
- Save a digital copy of receipts on the mobile device of choice
- No need to take images of receipts for storage
- No need to submit email address or mobile number
- Receipts can be filed and retrieved by date or retailer
- Instant customer satisfaction survey aides consumers and retailers
- Retailers get data on every printed and claimed receipt
- Retailers get AllReceipts real time status Device Management Tool