
Newland EM3080 Scans All 1D and 2D Barcodes CMOS Scan Engine TTL232 Interface

EM3080 series embedded 2D barcode scan engines, armed with the Newland patenteduIMG a computerized image recognition system, bring about a new era of 2D barcode scan engines. The EM3080-s2D barcode decoder chip ingeniously blends UIMG technology and advanced chip design & manufacturing, which significantly simplifies application design and delivers superior performance and solid reliability with low power consumption. The EM3080 supports all mainstream 1D as well as PDF417, QR Code, Data Matrix and GS1-DataBarTM (RSS) (RSS-Limited, RSS-14, RSS-14 Stacked and RSS-Expand). It provides an ideal solution for both emerging mobile phone-based barcode applications, like digital coupons, electronic tickets and boarding passes, and traditional applications. This compact, lightweight engine fits easily into even the most space-constrained equipments such as data collectors, meter readers, ticket validators and PDAs. This compact engine weighs only 3 grams and fits easily into even the most space-constrained equipments such as data collectors, meter readers, ticket validators and PDAs. Moreover, the instant power on/off feature along with ultra-low power consumption brings greater efficiency and convenience in barcode scanning.

The engine armed with the state-of-the-art 2D barcode decoder chip invented by Newland demonstrates unprecedented reading performance.

Seamless integration of CMOS image sensor anddecoder boardmakes the engine small, lightweight and easy for integration.

Theengine can read most 1D and 2D barcodes with a power consumption only one fourth that of a traditional engine.

It can read barcodes on virtually any medium  paper, plastic cards, mobile phones and LCD displays.

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